As part of our Cathedral restoration fundraising, we are offering individuals and families an opportunity to reserve a personalised plaque which will be displayed on a pew at the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. There are limited spots left so please contact John Owen to confirm availability.
This fundraiser is limited to the availability of pews and priced at $1,500.00 to permanently acknowledge your contribution. You may wish to use this opportunity to include your name or to honour someone close to you, provided the text will fit on the plaque.
Reserve a plaque
To reserve your plaque, please send us an email at and we will confirm availability.
The donation of $1,500 can then be made here:
Internet Banking
Cathedral Project 02 0506 0138488 25
and include “Pews” and your name in the Code and Reference fields.
Credit Card
Donate on our online form, including "Pews" in the last box for additional information.
We will then be in touch to confirm the details required for the plaque.
For further enquiries about this opportunity please contact the Cathedral Parish Office
Ph. (04) 496-1700.
