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Kōhatu Whakaaroaro
The Thinking Stone

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The Thinking Stone was presented to the Cathedral by Catholic Māori of the Archdiocese and installed in 1989.
Carved in Oamaru stone by Master Carver, Lou Kereopa, it is rich in Christian Māori symbolism.


The solid foundation represents the faith given to us by Our Lord, Jesus Christ. The essential tenets of the Catholic Faith are depicted in the four panels of the lower section.

Above these four panels are four human figures which symbolise the human journey to faith. Together these four figures support the suffering world over which stands the Church bearing Christ’s Light to the nations.


The world encircled with a crown of thorns represents human suffering and disobedience through war, greed, and self indulgence, and the sacrifice of Jesus who gave his life that we may live and have eternal life.


The Church building at the top portrays the shelter and joyful hope that the Gospel offers. The cross symbolises all who follow the way of Jesus.


It is Mr Kereopa’s hope that this striking white stone carving will help bring about unity.

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